Building a culture of compliance with the Anti-Discrimination Law in Albania (2015-2016)
RINI Albania promoted the knowledge and implementation of the 2010 Anti-Discrimination Law through a two-pronged approach targeting both human resource managers and Recruiters as well as employees and job-seekers. With provision of seminars, best practices and informational material, the project increased the knowledge about the ADL and built momentum for compliance within Albanian companies. With awareness sessions and extensive information on the ADL and discrimination reporting mechanism, the project built knowledge and capacities amongst rights holders (employees, job-seekers & future business leaders) to turn them into change makers in the work-place. The project relied on RINI Albania’s expertise and partnerships with key stakeholders. This project increased compliance of the ADL, combatted discrimination and impunity and so contributed to a more democratic and inclusive Albania. It was implemented in 2015-2016 with funding from the US Embassy in Tirana.
Career training and advising (2016)
In collaboration with ACA Tirana, Malteser Albania, the Community Intercultural Center, OMSA, and LGBTIQA Albania, RINI Albania’s career guidance-training project provided over 400 youth with seminars on how to successfully approach the labor market in a professional way. It included: advice on CV writing and preparation for job interviews with participants taking part in role-plays to prepare for job interviews and reacting in a professional way to interviewer’s questions. The project focused primarily on participants from minority groups such as Roma and Egyptian communities, vulnerable youth living sub-urban areas, marginalized and poor youth, as well as LGBTIQ people. RINI Albania conducts these trainings with its own financing on an as-needed, as-requested basis.
Annual Photo Competition (2018-)
RINI Albania Foundation is launching its first annual photo competition for young people. Each year during the summer, youth will submit their photos over social media and receive prizes for their entries. The theme changes each year, so please check our social media and announcements for this year’s theme. The winners are chosen by a combination of social media “likes” as well as their ability to impact others through photography. Top photos will displayed each year publically and accompanied by a public launching of that year’s exhibit.
English Language for the Tourism Sector (2018-)
Following on The Headhunter’s successful training of young people for key jobs in the tourism sector, RINI Albania will design and deliver a short-course for job seekers and employees in the tourism sector to learn basic English related to their jobs. This will enhance their ability to secure and maintain better paid jobs as well as to contribute to their career development. Eventually, the course will be given to instructional institutions around Albania and made accessible.