Dear Friends,
Since we founded RINI Albania in early 2015, we began our mission on the simple belief that Albania’s development depends upon an active, contributing youth.
In our daily work at Headhunter, Albania’s largest human resource company, we saw that youth are eager to take on the challenges of a 21st Century workforce and economy. They are eager, they have skills and talents, and they have fresh perspectives which Albania needs. Each deserves the equal opportunity to contribute, no matter their gender, religion, sexual orientation, political views, or any other factor about them as a person. It was for this reason that we decided to invest some of our corporate profits to promote youth to grow into active, contributing citizens. We know the most successful companies profit from diverse workforces, and we are dedicated to using some of our profits to ensure all youth have a place in the job market and an equal opportunity to contribute their talents.
RINI Albania is more an organization. Youth themselves have a space to contribute ideas, to work for equal opportunities, and share their skills and talents in all our activities. RINI Albania is a place for youth to explore, grow, and contribute. We count on the support of other companies, organizations, and individuals who share our vision and put their trust in Albania’s youth.
We look forward to supporting Albania’s youth, and look forward to your collaboration with us.